
My live outlet for my illustration work is through Instagram: @bullet_and_whiskey. Feel free to drop by and say hello! Here are a few highlights:

Lonely Lenny from Inktober 2016


My goal for Inktober 2016 was to create or develop a character every day. In the end, I came up with Lonely Lenny and kept him running.

Team Process

One of the teams I worked with at Incomm Digital Solutions came up with an agile process that worked well for us. I created this graphic to represent what that looked like:

Agile Process with Git

This illustration accompanied an article I wrote on Medium.

Thank you!

A Word of Gratitude

Drawing has always been something near and dear to my heart. However, though I studied traditional drawing and panting a great deal in college, I took about a ten year sabbatical from illustration.

For some time I was convinced that digital illustration was the path for me. My day job is working with code and screens though (which I love, don’t get me wrong), and I’ve recently found a renewed enjoyment in creating illustrations with traditional mediums such as ink and watercolor.

I owe a debt of thanks to the great community of artists on Instagram for inspiring me to get back into drawing and painting. Here are a few talented folks (in no particular order) who have encouraged me along the way: